A Place of Transition

An entirely new one-day workshop for HR, Leadership & Organisation Development Specialists, which provides a facilitated framework of questions, to open up discussion about areas where more leadership attention will significantly increase the chances of successful transition.


Participants will leave the workshop with a clear action plan for implementation completely tailored to their own organisational context.

Part One: Introduction

Discussion around successful implementation of any change/transition programme, where the primary goal is: Delivering our Strategy (intent of the change), by creating a Place (working environment) that enables the People (we have) to deliver the Performance (we need).
Part Two: Asking Critical Questions

Detailed group and individual work around the Wadenhoe critical questions framework, focused on gap analysis and solution-building. Here is a summary of the headline areas:

Organisational Enablers
Team/Dept./Inter. Dept. Enablers
Individual Enablers
Strategic Intent & Actions

Physical Environment

Systems & Processes

Performance Measures

Culture & Values

Goals & Objectives

Climate & Style
"The way we do things around here"

Team Capabilities & Competencies

Job Content

Norms & Values

Emotional State & Sense of Security

Motives & Drives

Organisational Awareness

Skills, Knowledge & Experience

Part Three: Potential Applications

This part of the workshop enables participants to discuss how they intend to use the new materials that they have learnt about, which might include:
  • Facilitating team discussions.
  • Transferring learning to local leadership.
  • Completing an internal "consultancy" project for follow-up action.
Part Four: Action Planning

Working with a colleague to bring learning and discussions together into detailed action plans for implementation.

For more information about this workshop, the question framework and research underpinning it, please contact: sue@wadenhoeconsultancy.com.

The Wadenhoe Consultancy Ltd

Prama House
267 Banbury Road

Phone: 01865 339558
Mobile: 07899 796993
Fax: 01865 339301
Email: ray@wadenhoeconsultancy.com
Web: www.wadenhoeconsultancy.com

Registered in England No: 6717860

©2012 The Wadenhoe Consultancy Ltd