"The Talent Development Navigator"

Advanced Play

Welcome back to "Talent Development Navigator". To win the Advanced Play game your team is required to collect a further ten Connection Cards and enter on each one any additional actions that are needed to make the strategy work.

The performance - people connection card: needed for people to deliver the key performance required.

The performance - purpose connection card: needed for the talent development strategy to correspond with organisational performance objectives.

The performance - process connection card: needed to ensure that the processes and mechanisms for talent development have high perceived reality and relevance in relation to organisational performance.

The performance - place connection card: needed to provide sufficient opportunities for delivering the processes and mechanisms required for effective organisational performance.

The people - place connection card: needed to ensure that values and priorities of key players in the talent development strategy match the culture required.

The people - purpose connection card: needed to ensure that all the key players involved have the potential to develop the skills and behaviours needed to deliver the aims, goals and objectives for talent development.

The people - process connection card: needed to clarify why people need to make the required changes and have bought into them.

The purpose - process connection card: needed to ensure that the proposed processes and mechanisms will be "fit for purpose" and not "pie in the sky" or "over-engineered".

The purpose - place connection card: needed to ensure that the Talent Development Strategy "carries weight" in the organisation and will be championed with authority.

The place - process connection card: needed to ensure that the place is supportive of the Talent Development Strategy and its purpose?

Winning The Advanced Play Game

Winners will be the team that has collected all the cards and passed through the final gateway which involves answering each of the following Implementation questions:

How will they ensure that everyone involved perseveres with the processes and mechanisms required?

How will they maintain momentum and "hold the steer"?

What systems and responsibilities will be required for monitoring, controlling and maintaining the processes over time?

How will they continuously improve their processes, mechanisms, skills and behaviours?

How will they remain open and flexible to change where required in response to continuous improvement and/or changing circumstances?

What mechanisms need to be implemented to ensure that data is available for evaluating the effectiveness of our strategy and processes?

Playing The Game

We hope that you have found "playing the game" enlightening in developing your Talent Pipeline strategy. If you would like to arrange a phone conversation or meeting to find out more about our experience in this field, please contact Sue Bell on sue@wadenhoeconsultancy.com.

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Email: ray@wadenhoeconsultancy.com
Web: www.wadenhoeconsultancy.com

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