"Some of the greatest barriers to people's engagement are created
by the place in which they work"

Why & Why Not Engagement?

What it means and why it is important

Why do engagement strategies fail?
Individual & Team Enablers

Job & Capability Enablers

Normative & Perceptual Enablers

Emotional & Motivational Enablers
Departmental & Inter-departmental Enablers

Interpersonal Relationship Enablers

Climate and "codes of conduct" Enablers

Team-working Capability Enablers
Organisational Enablers

Strategic Enablers

Physical & Infrastructure Enablers

Cultural Enablers
Implementation, Measurement & Close

Using the "Enablers Audit Checklist" to identify alignment
"gaps" and actions for closing them

For more information, please contact Chris Hooton at: chris@wadenhoeconsultancy.com.

The Wadenhoe Consultancy Ltd

Prama House
267 Banbury Road

Phone: 01865 339558
Mobile: 07899 796993
Fax: 01865 339301
Email: ray@wadenhoeconsultancy.com
Web: www.wadenhoeconsultancy.com

Registered in England No: 6717860

©2011 The Wadenhoe Consultancy Ltd