The best of "open" and "in-house" development

Over the last 20+ years, our reputation has been built on "in-house" development activities that have been tailored to our clients' organisational needs, so we have never prepared a list of Programmes or Workshops.

However, following several requests from our newsletter readers, we've decided that now is the time to provide some examples of the types of programmes we have successfully delivered for our clients in recent years.

To read more about each programme area, please click on each topic:

With the exception of Personal Coaching, all of these can now be run as "open" or "in-house" events.

We can also offer a cost effective approach, where "open" events are provided for three or four organisational groups. This combines the benefits of addressing real organisational issues, with providing a broader perspective, through interaction with people from other backgrounds.

Much more information about the Wadenhoe approach, our team, case studies and quotes from clients is available from our website:

For more detail on specific events please call: 01865 339558 or email:

Thanks for taking the time to read this email,

Ray Atkinson

The Wadenhoe Consultancy Ltd

Prama House
267 Banbury Road

Phone: 01865 339558
Mobile: 07899 796993
Fax: 01865 339301

Registered in England No: 6717860

©2013 The Wadenhoe Consultancy Ltd